
05 Withdrawls

You can withdraw CGPtoken to your wallet from CGPay.

Withdraw CGPtoken to your wallet

5.1 Open the "CGPtoken withdrawal" page of wallet

Open the "CGPtoken withdrawal" page of wallet

Open the CGPtoken withdrawal page of wallet

5.2 Fill in the information and submit

Fill in the withdrawal amount and address, and enter the security code.

Minimum withdrawal: 100CGP

Fill in the information and submit

5.3 Waiting for processing

After submitted the application, you can check the withdrawal request details in the following.

Waiting for processing

We review the account status to ensure the account safety and process your withdrawal request as soon as possible. Please check your wallet address carefully.

Processing withdrawal can be cancelled anytime. When the status of process is success, it will not be cancelled.

5.4 Process successfully and the withdraw will be sent soon

When the submittion is successful, the withdrawal will be sent. And the TXID will be displayed for you soon.

When the submittion is successful, the withdrawal will be sent. And the TXID will be displayed for you soon.

5.5 The application of withdrawal is complete

The application of withdrawal is complete

5.6 The application of withdrawal has been cancelled.

Please submit the withdrawal again.

In order of withdrawal amount will be returned to your CGPay wallet if the apllication has been cancelled. Please feel free to contact us if you have any problem!